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» Discussion Topic #3
Discussion Topic #3 EmptySat Sep 05, 2009 2:31 pm by Jasmine Tan

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Discussion Topic #3 EmptySat Sep 05, 2009 2:12 pm by Jasmine Tan

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Discussion Topic #3

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Discussion Topic #3 Empty Discussion Topic #3

Post  Administrator Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:02 pm

In the face of rapid technology advancement, do you think that traditional schooling can be replaced by home based e-learning in the next generation? Why or why not?

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Join date : 2008-10-11

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Discussion Topic #3 Empty No Home Based E-learning For Me.

Post  atiqah Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:52 pm

E-learning is essential to further development in Asia and elsewhere around the world. However, despite the laudable achievements, there are many issues related to its effectiveness.

Virtual schools enable students to replace some or all of their traditional classes with a virtual equivalent and their continued growth prompt a reflection on their advantages and disadvantages.

There are a lot of factors to be taken into serious consideration. Factors such as socialization, pastoral care, learning style, cost, access and equity, views of school education, democracy and computer technology all help to explain the possible consequences of implementing virtual schools. There are many unresolved issues related to the effectiveness of home-based learning.

Are standards of academic quality and comprehensiveness of home-based learning adequate? Academic quality aside, what about the importance of finding ways to connect the students' real life experiences with their academic work? How about the learning environment, specific objectives, content, instructional design, learner tasks, teacher roles, technological affordances and assessment?

With home-based earning, children will be sheltered from mainstream society due to lack of socialization with peers of different ethnic and religious background. As a result, children are denied of opportunities that are their right. Opportunities such as social development. Home-based learning can potentially give students a one-sided point of view and block all other points of view. In addition, by reducing students’ contact with peers, it will reduce students’ sense of civic engagement with the community. How will the child be ready for the ‘real world’?

Yes, home-based learning has many advantages too. One of the main advantages is a student is able to exercise self-discipline.

Based on my experience, home-based e-learning will not be as effective as traditional schooling and I doubt students are ready for it. Simply because, during the one week home-based e-learning, 90% of the time I am not doing what is expected of me. I am absolutely sure I am not the only one. Therefore, it may be necessary to consider what skills, knowledge and values students should have in a future society before it is possible to decide whether home based e-learning is ultimately beneficial.

Nur Atiqah Bte Rashid


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Join date : 2009-05-23

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Discussion Topic #3 Empty Its a NO for me.

Post  Jiaxin Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:47 am

Even in the face of rapid technology advancement, I do not think that traditional schooling can be replaced by home based e-learning. Although study materials, home works, worksheets are sent to us. It does not ensure that us, as students will sit at the table and finish the materials given in that given time frame of class. It needs great amount of discipline to not be playing half the time or even cramping up all the work given to the last minute.

We have experienced home based learning for an entire week due to h1n1 and if you ask me if its efficient at all ? My answers gonna be no. The teacher cant cope with 60plus students asking question all at once and answering them all, and its a frustration to be having a window blinking every second. I'm sorry to say its not productive at all and I would never want to go through that again. I'd rather go to school for lessons then be in front of a computer the whole day. May be we're just not ready for that kinda technology yet, may be in future but I'm skeptical about it. You can never know if students are listening when you're looking at a screen.


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Discussion Topic #3 Empty Re: Discussion Topic #3

Post  Mohd_faris Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:45 pm

I think the old school system is the best way to study and not the home base learning. I disagree on the home base learning because people intend to wake up late and not do the homework properly. They lack of knowledge, teacher have a hard time teaching the student what is going on. If there has a technology on web cam, teacher can conduct the lesson. Web cam can give video and sound. If the student did not understand, they could write a question and the teacher can replay it.

Student knows the computer well.
Do homework at the website and they did not copy from friend.
They have enough time to studies.

Student getting lazy every week
Student did not understand well
They will not bond to the teacher well

Conclusion: I have to agree on the old school system because the student will bond to friend and teacher. They will learn how to communication on people. This will help on the future.


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Discussion Topic #3 Empty Re: Discussion Topic #3

Post  Norashikin Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:42 am

For this modern technology world, sooner or later the traditional schooling will be replaced by home based e-learning in the next generation. As it is good and efficient to be use as students did not need to come to school which save time and transportation cost at the same time. Furthermore these will bring to new thing to the teaching world.

But at the same time home based e-learning cannot replaced traditional schooling as it is not that effective especially in a case where students cannot understand the topic that was being taught on that day. Even if they asked their teachers, they cannot explain in details and cannot entirely sure whether they still understand after the explanation or worse. Even though the students have to go to school and went home late, at least they get and understand what had been taught in school.

Based on my experience on home based e-learning, it is not effective as I use to the traditional schooling. It was hard for me to catch the ball and understand what my lecturers have taught me. The explanation was not detailed and students asking questions while the lecturers taught at the same time. It was quite confusing. Thus for me in conclusion home based e-learning cannot replaced traditional schooling. Even people who live in millennium, they still prefer to use traditional ways.

Norashikin Bte Supar


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Discussion Topic #3 Empty I DISAGREE!!

Post  SHARFINA BTE ABDUL NASSER Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:06 am

Even though we are in the face of rapid technology advancement, I disagree with the idea of replacing the traditional schooling with home based e-learning in the next generation.

Since we have already experience this home based e-learning exercise, I feel that it’s not as effective as normal traditional teaching. During which, we encounter a lot if difficulty in understanding what is being taught online, heucampus lagging, frequently sidetracking and easily get distracted. Nevertheless, lecturers are also unsure if the students understand what is being taught. Plus, students might not be there physically, but only present ‘virtually’. Thus, student tends to take advantage of this system. Furthermore, lecturers will face difficulty in bonding with the student. It’s difficult for the lecturer to cater to 3 classes at once. In addition, if the lecturer were to give the student test, it would depict the purpose as the students are able to refer to their notes since there is no guidance.

Therefore, to end this off I would still strongly agree to traditional schooling... study


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Discussion Topic #3 Empty Nahh .. Home based learning is OUT OF QUESTION !!!

Post  milfred Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:07 am

Home based learning or traditional schooling method ?

As we know, it is tiring to drag ourselves up early morning during weekdays just to travel to school, whereas home based learning, even though we have to wake up early, but we dont have to wake up extra early just to prepare, we can simply just wake up 5 minutes before the home based learning begins. Moreover, our bed is still beside us during when lessons started, we can just stay in bed and do the home based learning. Its so much better than traditional method..


That is how GOOD what we THOUGHT it would be..


On a second thought, if we really experience it, we would find so much difference between traditional method and home based learning.

YES ! its tiring to drag ourselves up early morning, however that is the only tiring part.. after reaching school and attend classes with friends.. that tiredness will soon wear off..

and YES, for home based learning, we can lie down and listen to lesson or even to the extent just log in to the respective programmes and you can sleep your way through after that.. No one knows..

BUT.. will you learn?

I have experienced home based learning before and i would say its a total bad, useless or whatever bad reasons you can think of to feedback on home based learning. What gets into our head is nothing. we simply learn nothing even though there are notes with us, lecturers writing on their screen and we learn from what we SEE ONLY.. it doesnt help at all.. it is very difficult for us to catch what the lecturers are trying to teach us. we can only get the workings but we cant get the explanations. Ultimately we will end up wasting our time also not knowing anything. Im sure it will be a waste of time for the teachers as well as they are just writing on their screen knowing that their students definitely wouldnt get what they mean. But.. they still have to carry out as its their tasks and responsibilities.

Moreover, if we were to do home based learning everyday, we cant get to see our friends much. we cant get to communicate with them, and everything will just distance away.

Compared to traditional schooling method, though we have to carry heavy bags and squeeze buses. We have to wake up early.. But.. ultimately we can get what lecturers are teaching. They can explain verbally and we can listen and learn.

Afterall, i dont mind waking up early.

Therefore, to summarise, traditional method of schooling is still the best choice compared to home based learning !!


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Discussion Topic #3 Empty Yes and No!

Post  Jasmine Tan Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:31 pm

Well, to this situation it’s both a yes and a no.

Personally I would not think that traditional schooling can be replaced by home based e-learning. Like for certain modules especially maths, you would require the teacher to explain to you if needed step by step so as to understand how to do the question. And on e-learning, this explanation will not be so detailed and efficient as compared to face-to-face explanation, where you could ask the question and get the explanation. When asking a question or stating a doubt, there is always cases whereby the teacher might not be able to understand what you are asking and result in a misunderstanding. In e-learning, this misunderstanding will be more frequent.

But in the next generation, they might be have used computers and attend lesson online then they might be used to the e-learning system. And with the rapid technology advancement, by the next generation there could be new and more efficient ways to deliver the lesson efficiently. Thus there is a huge possibility that the e-learning system will work for the next generation.

Jasmine Tan

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